Students who accumulate eight absences that have not been excused during a semester will be asked to provide a physician’s authorization or other credible proof for any future absences. Depending on the time and location of the appointment a physician’s will not automatically excuse the student from school for the entire day. Students who have excessive absences or who fail to provide appropriate documentation when required may be referred to the Director of Student Services.
In addition to the absences listed above, any absence on the day prior to or following the Thanksgiving break, Fall break, or Spring break, or any day during which students are scheduled to take the state assessment tests must be accompanied by a physician’s authorization or other credible proof for the absence to be recorded excused.
In addition to attendance, it is essential that students arrive at school on time. Parents will be notified if tardiness becomes an issue. Students are considered tardy if they arrive late or leave early during the school day.
Please refer to section 9010 of the Oldham County Board of Education Policies in the BAHS Parent/Student Handbook for further information.
If a student is required to take medication (prescription/non-prescription) during school hours on a consistent basis or during an illness, the following procedures are to be followed:
- The parent/guardian must bring the medication to school in the original container.
- Authorization forms for the distribution of medication must be on file in the school office.
- All medication will be administered in the office at the prescribed times.
- Parents must pick up unused medication. No medication will be allowed on buses.
Lunch is prepared by Oldham County High School Food Service staff. Students are welcome to bring lunches to school.
Students are asked to dress appropriately. Hats and head gear are not permitted unless required for religious or cultural reasons. Clothing with inappropriate graphics, language, or advertisements for alcohol products, tobacco products, or drug-related items are prohibited. If attire becomes a distraction, students will be asked to make appropriate adjustments.