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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA)
Proficient Reading: Elementary 35% | Middle 34% | High 38%     |     Distinguished Reading: Elementary 24% | Middle 24% | High 22% 
Proficient Math: Elementary 39% | Middle 39% | High 35%     |     Distinguished Math: Elementary 20% | Middle 21% | High 22% 
KY School Report Card for Oldham County Schools

About BAHS

Buckner Alternative High School was established on August 28, 1995.  From its humble beginnings, BAHS has embraced a different approach from most alternative schools.  A student focused philosophy based on relationships and mutual respect has produced over 400 graduates in twenty years.  The success of Buckner Alternative is a combination of community and district level support, selective staffing, and a culture of, “No Excuses, Find a Way!”

BAHS is several schools within a school, serving some of Oldham County’s most challenging and needy students.  On average the school serves between 90 and 125 students every day, including full and part time kids.

BAHS continues to stretch itself to fit the constantly changing needs of our community.  Our district student population has more than doubled in the last decade.  The diversity and density of our local towns and neighborhoods seem to realign overnight.  In 29 years, Buckner Alternative has never looked the same in consecutive years.  We strive to do what’s best for kids, in a safe, nurturing environment making no excuses and always finding a way.

Belief Statements

  • The school values a tone of decency for all that promotes a positive and supportive environment.
  • Students need to experience success to be accountable.
  • The school's primary responsibility is to be student-centered.
  • A cooperative effort by family, students, community and school is critical to meet the basic needs of the individual.
  • Schools should focus on student's individual academic, social, and emotional strengths.
  • Education prepares students for life in society.
  • People excel in an environment in which they are valued and challenged.
  • All students have a right to a safe, nurturing environment.
  • Valuing differences is essential to success in a democratic, multicultural society.
  • Teamwork requires trust. 

We Are Buckner!

Watching students receive a diploma is an event which most people witness only a handful of times. The sense of pride, accomplishment, and success students and parents feel transcends to teachers, support staff, volunteers, and administrators who’ve had a hand in working with students along their educational journey.

Since 1996, Buckner Alternative has been awarding diplomas to students who found a way to overcome life’s adversities and complete the necessary requirements to graduate. A diploma from BAHS is valued as much as others earned in Oldham County, and often more. Every student at BAHS has a story to tell. Every student has faced the challenge of looking adversity in the eye and finding success. Most students who graduate from Buckner Alternative have elected to stay because of life’s unmanageabilities – circumstances most people never experience. Still others use BAHS for a period of time to stabilize their educational status, then return to their home school settings and earn diplomas from North, South and Oldham County High Schools. However, every student who attends BAHS at some time takes a little purple with them when they leave.

Unless you are personally involved with our students, most of the kids’ accomplishments and triumphs go unnoticed. Buckner students go on to college, enter the work force, and serve in the military. They become valued citizens of Oldham County – and the United States.

BAHS Highly Qualified Teachers

Parents' Rights to Know

We are extremely proud of the expertise and experience of our staff.  OCS consistently has high percentages of teachers who meet the federal government’s Highly Qualified Teacher requirements and who hold National Board Teacher Certification.  We respect parents’ rights to know about the qualification of their children’s teacher and welcome inquiries about teacher credentials. Please contact Richard Graviss, Personnel Director, at 502-241-3500 for additional information.

Padres y apoderados tienen derecho a conocer las cualificaciones y credenciales de los profesores de nuestras escuelas. Si usted desea mayor información sobre los profesores de su hijo, por favor contacte a Richard Graviss, director de personal. Teléfono 502-241-3500.